Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Anti-Depressant also helps with Hot Flashes

I just returned from my doctor to learn that there is a new anti-depressant, Pristiq that has potential to help with reducing hot flashes. Further studies need to be done, but numerous female patients reported relief. I'll be switching from Zoloft today to Pristiq and seeing if it works!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Cramps anyone?

Whew, I'm sure frustrated having menstrual cramps while not having my menses! Mother Nature can sure play tricks on us during this sensitive time in our lives. Take an anti-inflammatory drug (i.e. Aleve works best for me) and keep track of your cycles.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Is it hot in here or is it me?

There is alot of information online about natural remedies that help with hot flashes and symptoms. From what I can tell, Black Cohosh and Flaxseed seem to be the most promising. I encourage you to research all the facts before you decide the best course of action.

I personally take biest/progesterone natural hormones compounded at my neighborhood pharmacy. There are risks involved in taking both natural and chemical hormones, but the side effects such as nausea are little to none with natural. Not all doctors are skilled in prescribing natural hormones, you'll need to find one that will work with you. Blood tests are not reliable and he/she will work with you on the right dosage as you control your symptoms.

Don't forget those 100% organic cotton sheets for the night sweats! Nothing absorbs better then cotton!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Welcome Ladies - and gents who are supportive!

We live in a world today that has so much information available, so this topic "perimenopause" does not have to kept in the closet! Now, some women sail through "the change", bless their hearts, but for the rest of us - it is a complete and utter disruption in our lives.

I am a fellow sufferer, so I GET IT. I will try to find helpful information whether you choose to try natural remedies or hormone replacement therapies or both.

Those with thyroid dysfunction may have excagerated symptoms while the body is trying to cope with the stress. But, either way, it's a long haul. Girls just wanna have fun!